
Friday, April 17, 2009

The White Trees of Hoboken

It's that time of year. Search engines are finding my blog with the words "white trees Hoboken" and I suppose they find the post I put up about a year ago with some of the flowering trees.

I've been seeing them for a couple of weeks now, and seeing the little spiders coming here to look at my pictures, or read what I know about them. The fact is, I know nothing about them except that they were there last year--trees spectacularly in full white flower, some type of cherry, I suppose--no doubt a local expert will set me straight soon with a comment that everybody should know an apple tree from a Japanese cherry or a blossoming acacia or whatever the trees are. I'm sure there's even a wonderful story about the year they were planted. All I know is that they tell us all that spring is coming, before the other trees leaf out, just as the tulips and hyacinth and pansies burst forth on the medians.

Who knew spring in Hoboken would be a cause for celebration? Who knew they could write a song about it, "Hoboken on My Mind," or "April in Hoboken"?

But the temperature is going up to 70 today, and by Sunday you may want to grab brunch at a place with a white tree nearby. The old 14th Street hangout known as Frankie and Johnny's, now renamed after its current owners Dino & Harry, stands proudly announcing brunch and a blooming white tree stops you in your jogging tracks as you contemplate the neighborhood and make plans for the weekend.

As for me, I'm going to take in the Sunday matinee of the Hudson Theatre Ensemble's production of Comic Potential by Alan Ayckbourne and maybe get a light repast with friends afterwards.

It's days like this that make us appreciate winter because it helps us to enjoy spring.


Arthur Bruso said...

The trees are flowering pear. While pretty in the spring for about one week, they grow very fast (which is why cities love them), but the fast growth makes them weak in the wood. This makes their branches prone to breaking in windy weather or heavy ice or snow. Not a good tree to park under. While not an edible pear, some do set little, hard, russet fruit. The birds only eat them when nothing else is available, but the squirrels will go for them.

Mary Lois said...

Damn, I should have known that. Thanks, Mr. Bruso, and do come again. Ever notice how pretty they are?

Anonymous said...

Not quite the same setting, but kind of reminds me of the white dogwoods from another town...