Friends from Alabama will read this and ask "Why? Why does anybody live like that?"
I can understand the question, but I can answer it too. Not sufficiently so that they could really understand, but I've answered it many times on the blog. This is the place I'd rather be. I'm relearning how to deal with cold weather, and if that's all the adversity I have to cope with, I can handle it. It's a different kind of a life and I feel revitalized coming back to it. The relaxed, warm life of Lower Alabama is seductive, but to me the rewards were less. The highs were nowhere near as high, and the lows were way lower. Everybody who knows me there knows some of the stress I endured--and of course some of it was of my own making--so that sorta goes with being me. There will be some of it here, but for now Hoboken is still a vacation for me, slapdab against one of the greatest cities in the world, and in a pleasant, busy community that has a lot going on. Hoboken has the best of both worlds. It's a small town with a vibrant history (and you know how I love history) and easy access to anything I want to do in the city.
Across that water, it ain't Mobile. It's Manhattan.
Now, just give me a couple of days to get over my jet lag and culture shock. And don't bother me while I put on my long johns and get dressed for the cold.
funny, that was my first thought too when i moved to iowa..."why does anybody live here, with all this snow and cold?!" but they say the spring is absolutely beautiful and it's the greenest place on the planet and that makes it worth living through a harsh winter...we'll see
Welcome home Mary Lois!
Across that water, it ain't fences. It's freedom.
Anonymous, how's that again?
I see you had a safe trip...welcome back.
I hope snowplow Fat Eddie will be kind to you.
SUMMER'S COMING...I hope ya got A.C. in your new apartment. It's gonna be a hot one...welcome to Hoboken.
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